Success Story

Content Overhaul & Roadmap
The objective was to improve accessibility and understanding of key benefit programs and processes.

The Story

A managed care health plan’s public website had more than 3,000 unique pieces of content and a few hundred website pages in an unorganized page structure. Different teams across the organization had access to update various pages leading the website to become a document repository that consumers and stakeholders couldn’t intuitively navigate. Consumers, advocates and providers with a fundamental misunderstanding of state Medicaid Waivers and the health plan’s operations only added to stakeholders’ frustration in their relationship with the health plan. 

After an extensive content audit, we found as many as 10-12 pieces of content focused on a single topic, each with variances or competing information. It was also determined that the information users were searching for was not being provided in the search results because the content didn’t exist or because it was not properly indexed.

Bright red side that says Emergency in white letters. There is a red brick building in the background.

Members and their families


Local and State Government

Community Based Organizations

Managed Care Organization Staff

Black female on a headset and in front of a computer screen. The woman is touching the headset on her left ear.

The Approach

After interviewing stakeholders both externally and internally, consumer journeys were developed to better define the purpose and goals for the health plan’s website. Starting with the biggest pain points for consumers, we developed a plan to streamline the amount of content, rework it to be both accessible and readable at a third-grade level, and cross-train internal and external stakeholders on key concepts. To ensure the website did not revert back to a document repository over time, we initiated a content advisory board consisting of members and subject matter experts to test new content regularly.

The Results

Ultimately, the overall consumer access to critical information regarding services and programs was improved, which led to higher uptake with care coordination, member engagement, and registry programs.

  • Reduced primary content to less than twenty documents
  • Implemented a keyword and UX strategy to properly index website pages and documents
  • Implemented distinct SEO strategies for English and Spanish content
  • 70% increase in visitors within 12 months
  • 80% increase in keyword rankings, including #1 Google position for most targeted keywords 
  • 816% increase in Spanish language sessions 
  • Carried content across social, increasing followers and engagement 23% YoY

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